Breaking a bad habit is never easy. It takes time and a lot of effort to make a change. But what about forming a new daily habit that could actually help improve the quality of life for you and the people you love? A simple act of kindness to improve our air quality can make a difference in your home and your community.
Today is California Clean Air Day, part of a non-profit statewide program by the Coalition for Clean Air designed to help spread awareness about air pollution and how air quality directly impacts the health of everyone in California. Each October 7th, the Coalition for Clean Air uses California Clean Air Day to demonstrate the ways that our habits and lifestyles impact our environment and encourage us to find ways to be kinder to our community.
Their goal is to encourage individuals, organizations, and communities across the state to take the Clean Air Day Pledge and participate in ways that make sense for them. Action creates reaction, and one small step today could lead to a better world for all of us. Join the 1.5 million Californians who have already pledged to make a difference and take up one of these habits today.
1. Use Natural Cleaners
Cleaning products can contain unhealthy fumes that cause asthma, respiratory problems and more. Make a switch to natural all-purpose cleaners to be kinder to yourself and the planet.
2. Clean Car Cabin Air Filter
Dirty car cabin filters can become clogged with debris and smog from the car’s surrounding environment and lead to respiratory disease. Highways and roads are hot spots for pollution, so it’s critical that your car cabin air filter is regularly switched out. Try to regularly inspect and swap out your filter for clean air day!

3. Cut Down on Frequent Shipping
Instead of making several online purchases throughout the week, try to place just one order every week so items will ship together. This cuts down on emissions from shipping.
4. Plant a Tree
Nature’s air purifier goes a long way in fighting air pollution. Each year, trees prevent millions of respiratory symptoms and hundreds of thousands of school absences. Trees are miracle workers! As nature’s air filters, they improve air quality and health, but we don’t have nearly enough. California’s urban centers have the lowest tree canopy per capita in the U.S.

5. Plant a Garden
By planting a garden you can not only reduce emissions from shipping food thousands of miles, but you can also enjoy a safe, relaxing activity while social distancing that can improve your emotional well-being!
6. Drive Electric
Transportation is the single biggest source of air pollution in California. Help prevent toxic tailpipe emissions and go electric.
7. Shop Local
On average, food travels 1,500 miles to get to our grocery stores. That’s 1,500 miles worth of freight emissions. Try to shop for locally-grown produce whenever possible.

8. Reduce Vehicle Emissions
Try to reduce vehicle emissions by leaving your car at home. Give public transportation a try to clear the air and save yourself from traffic! Some other ways to reduce vehicle emissions include working from home, riding your bike, taking public transit, attending meetings remotely, or bringing a lunch to work/school instead of driving.
9. Decrease Idling
For every 10 minutes spent idling, your car releases one pound of carbon dioxide into the air. Work to decrease the time your vehicle is idling each day by turning your vehicle off when possible.
To read more about California Clean Air Day and take the pledge visit:
To check the air quality near you visit the Coalition for Clean Air and