As many of you know, I am a believer of looking for messages that seem to show up out of no where and always have some sort of undeniable meaning or message. I take those universal clues seriously.
Three of them showed up this past month for me in the form of a book, a billboard and a bug-loving 11 year old.
Adrienne Bankert’s new book was for sure a sign for me to keep trusting myself. Chances are you have seen Adrienne on Good Morning America and ABC News. She has now put pen to paper releasing her first book entitled Your Hidden Superpower: The Kindness That Makes You Unbeatable at Work and Connects You With Anyone.
When I interviewed Adrienne in June for Be Kind & Co., we shared our thoughts on why kindness is essential in everyone’s life, but we also discussed our confusion on why kindness annoys some people. My favorite kindness tip from Adrienne is to speak to everyone as if you are always wearing a microphone.
Then came along the story of a bug-loving and bullied 11 year old named Sophia Spencer. Sophia’s story broke my heart, but she quickly helped put it back together with her ability look past the negatives in her life, and flip the pain into a message of hope in the form of a book entitled The Bug Girl: A True Story.

And then last week, a literal message showed up on a California billboard. The words are simple yet powerful: YOU ARE ENOUGH.
Redondo Beach based resident, Cathy Caplener thought the words needed to be heard so badly, she started a Go-Fund me campaign to put them on a billboard. She’s now hoping to put one in each state before November. If you want to help her cause, go here: @urenoughasyouare
My hope is that we all continue to look for messages that speak to our hearts. I encourage you to be open to meeting new people who have something kind and loving to say. When the message resonates with you, trust it.
Then trust yourself to make your own magic!