We have all likely made New Year’s resolutions which often include losing weight, stashing the cigarettes, or even traveling more. This year, we encourage you to try and focus more on kindness. Lu Parker shares several ways she incorporates acts of kindness into her life. Our hope is that your 2023 will be a year full of kind thoughts and actions.
If you are like most people, when you wake up and look in the mirror, the voice in your head is often not complimentary. Let’s change that. Instead of saying something negative to yourself, switch your thoughts to the positive. I don’t do it daily, but when I do practice this, it makes me feel so much better. For example, I will literally smile at myself in the mirror. Be sure to really look directly into your own eyes. Yes, it feels weird but try it and when you do, say something encouraging to yourself like “You got this!” or “You are enough exactly where you are!” or “You deserve the best!”

We are all so busy that we can run out of time for conversations with friends and extended family. In 2023, pick a day to intentionally send a text or voice text to someone just to say you are thinking of them, or maybe share why you are super proud of them. The text can be simple. Keep it positive and kind.

When we desire to have more or when things are not going our way in the moment, a simple way to make yourself feel better is to create a gratitude list. In your mind or on paper, list at least 5 things you are grateful for. If you can list more, go for it! I do this often while I am in my morning shower. This exercise always makes me recognize the simple things in life that we often take for granted, like a roof over our head or even the ability to walk or see.

You will likely agree with me that we collect way too much stuff. Eventually, it becomes clutter. Do we really need 7 blankets that haven’t been used in years or clothes that we never wear? There are people and animals who could really used these items now. In 2023, try and let go of a few things around the house that you can simply donate to animal shelters or places that accept household/clothing items. Like Marie Kondo suggests, tell the item you appreciate it being in your life and goodbye. This will make you feel great AND your house will be less cluttered.

Have you ever noticed how your emotions and dreams can be affected when you watch negative content? Aggression, anger and violence do nothing for our well-being. In fact, watching content that stresses us out may seem like a getaway, but it only keeps us amped up. Try instead watching positive, funny and inspiring content. I intentionally seek out shows that will inspire me or make me laugh like Ted Lasso or The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse on Apple TV. When you make the change, notice how you sleep better and have a less- aggressive attitude toward life.