Our Favorite Quotes About Kindness from Channel Kindness
These quotes about kindness are the favorites of the mega-superstar known simply as Lady Gaga. You may know her music well, but did you also know she is an advocate for kindness? Her long-awaited collaboration Channel Kindness hit bookstores this month.
This beautiful hardback book is an anthology of inspirational stories written by young people and curated by Gaga, her mom, and a close friend. Channel Kindness features all sorts of kindness on display, from random good deeds witnessed by strangers to making the most of tragedy to building a more inclusive world for us all. Each of the 51 essays ends with a personal note from Gaga on the importance of, as she calls it, “filling the empty with kindness,” and being active about putting kindness into the world every day.
Here are eight Lady Gaga quotes about kindness from the book that gives you a snapshot of what to expect! These quotes about kindness remind all of us that even a single act can change the world.
“I believe that the best type of kindness is the one that inspires kindness.”
This quote from Lady Gaga herself reminds us that nothing happens in a vacuum. Every action we take has the ability to change someone else’s life for the better or for the worse, and kindness can always inspire more kindness.

“The more we share our stories— through words or pictures, music or drama— the kinder our world will be.”
This quote comes from a story about an art teacher named Claire Pittman who encourages her students to be themselves every day through their art. She believes that art is a crucial way to teach children to communicate and empathize, helping to create a world that’s more vulnerable, honest, and compassionate.
“Performing an act of kindness can redeem and heal you just as much as it can transform the person you choose to help.”
This “be kind” quote was Charlene Colòn’s first thought when a stranger arrived on her porch a few months after her mother’s death with a handful of gift cards. When the stranger revealed that he had known her mother and wanted to make sure Charlene got everything on her Christmas list, Charlene realized what a bright light a random act of kindness could be.
“I discovered how much power we all have to change situations that might ordinarily make us feel powerless.”
This was Josh Greenblatt’s experience when he signed up to be an ally for combatting violence against Arab, Muslim, and undocumented residents of New York. With training, he and hundreds of people like him have armed themselves with the knowledge and skills to protect victims of harassment, preventing hatred and violence every day. The amazing thing? This entire movement began when one young woman reached out on Facebook for someone to walk her home because she didn’t feel safe doing so in her hijab. Kindness can unite so many when someone is brave enough to ask for it.

“If you’re informed and compassionate, your concern can become contagious.”
This kindness quote from Taylor M. Parker, a menstrual hygiene access activist, reveals how sometimes kindness involves learning more about something you’ve always taken for granted. Taylor works hard every day to bring menstrual products to people who don’t always have the advantage of easy access. She wants to empower others to inform themselves and be vocal for change where they see injustice.
“Being a kind and respectful friend includes opening your mind to other perspectives, pushing yourself to understand someone else even if you haven’t experienced the same things, and committing yourself to being there in a supportive capacity.”
This quote about kindness comes from Hanna Atkinson, who was inspired when her friend Sarah decided to create an “inclusion club” to help create lasting friendships and connections for people like her brother, who has an autism spectrum disorder. Hanna was blown away at how her friend was able to channel her anger at her brother’s isolation into an idea that has blossomed into a non-profit with chapters all across the United States.

“The amazing thing to me is that an angry thought can be changed. I asked everyone that day to consciously change one angry thought into a loving thought each day, This, I offered, is how we become that small pebble of kindness that sends out a ripple effect, creating a safer, more peaceful, and loving world. Change one thought a day, I repeated, and choose love.”
This incredible kindness quote comes from Scarlett Lewis, whose six-year-old son was one of the victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting. In the book, Scarlett shares her path to forgiving in the worst of circumstances and letting go of unimaginable pain. She encourages everyone to think about the little actions they take every day that could either add up to something positive, or something negative.
“To be kind to someone is a basic human instinct. In general, people try to suppress that instinct. However, it is very evident in young hearts and should be encouraged more and more.”
Hana Mangat tells the heroic story of a nine-year-old named Mecca whose kindness saved a stranger’s life. When Hana and her parents witnessed a man having a diabetic attack at the airport, they frantically tried to find something sweet to raise his blood sugar. Luckily, Mecca had a Snickers bar and, when he realized nobody could hear him, he pushed his way to Hana’s parents with the candy held high. The man stabilized almost immediately thanks to Mecca’s desire to help in any way he could.
To read these stories and many more in full and to see Lady Gaga’s personal response to each of them, check out Channel Kindness: Stories of Kindness and Community today for a whole book’s worth of inspiring Lady Gaga quotes.
Find more quotes about kindness at Be Kind & Co. Check out these “be kind” quotes from badass women.