As we round out the year, we can begin to reflect on the importance of practicing gratitude. This year especially may have us counting our blessings. Maintaining a gratitude journal is a fantastic way to turn every day into Thanksgiving.
Time seems to be an issue for many while starting a gratitude journal. If you feel pressed for time, start small, and write just three things you are grateful for each day. Many people worry they have nothing to write about. If you are stuck, think of all the things you have today that you would like to have tomorrow still.
Set the alarm for a few minutes earlier each day, working up to 15 minutes. Take this quiet time to write in your gratitude journal. Translating thoughts into concrete language and focusing on positive events can create a shift in your attitude. Take some time to focus on people you feel grateful for, remembering this is a safe space for your eyes only.
Benefits of Gratitude
Research suggests practicing gratitude may have fantastic benefits for both your physical and mental health. Intuitively we understand that grateful people are more optimistic and focus on the good things in life.
Studies show that gratitude practiced daily can foster stronger, intimate relationships. Additionally, it can decrease feelings of depression and anxiety and lead to overall better mental well-being.
Cultivating a daily gratitude practice is a fantastic way to manage your stress levels. When we express gratitude, it has the effect of lowering cortisol levels.
In addition to all of the benefits in regards to positive psychology, people who practice gratitude also reported higher self-esteem. It seems as though cultivating a positive outlook about your circumstances extends to having a positive outlook about yourself.
Finally, having a daily journaling practice surrounding gratitude may increase work performance. When you consider the mental health benefits, reduced stress, and stronger bonds, it may seem like a given that gratitude makes us better employees. Additionally, you will get the advantages of increased patience, better decision making, and finding more meaning on the job.
Our Recommendations:
Gratitude Journal: Shift Your Focus
Use this journal to cultivate more gratitude, which in time will lend itself to your professional and personal success. Utilize this space daily to journal about the positive things in your life. This, in turn, can possibly help you to combat the challenges and difficulties you face.
This journal features 180 spaces to record personal wins and gratitude as well as journal prompts for reflection. Additionally, there are quotes from thought leaders and entrepreneurs to deepen your understanding and inspire your writing. Whether you are new to the practice, or a seasoned veteran, use this journal to elevate your daily gratitude practice.
The Gratitude Journal for Women
The Gratitude Journal for Women encompasses a full 52 weeks to focus on being kind and being grateful. It is simple and beautiful. This is a useful tool to help you shift your perspective and focus on the good things in your life. Use a daily gratitude practice to become content with what you have right now in life.
Each day features space for you to write three things that you are grateful for. Also, there is space to reflect on how you can pay it forward. This simple process can be completed in as few as 5 minutes a day! In addition to the journaling space, there are also inspiring quotes and messages about giving thanks and returning kindness.
Zen as F*ck
This cheeky journal offers profanity-laced inspiration on your path to tranquility. Use this a guide to release your cares, or cut through the bullsh*t as they might put it. Use Zen as F*ck as your daily motivation to rise, shine, and kick-ass every single day.
This journal features positive affirmations and activities in language that you may find amusing. Use this simple practice to shift your perspective and teach yourself contentment while getting a good chuckle. If you enjoy this humorous approach, check out their other titles, Let That Sh*t Go, Zen as F*ck at Work, and Find Your F*cking Happy.
Gratitude: A Day and Night Reflection Journal
Use this guided 90-day journal to focus and get a strong foundation in the practice of daily gratitude journaling. You will train your mind to look for more positive things and celebrate gratitude while preserving valuable memories of your day. Having a place to practice thankfulness twice daily will impart many benefits to your well-being and outlook on life.
There is space to record and celebrate expressions of gratitude, positive interactions with others, affirmations, and overall feelings on each page. Use these practices to foster more in-depth reflection and document your path to mindfulness and a more fulfilling existence.
Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal: Questions, Prompts, and Coloring Pages for a Brighter, Happier Life
Even in the most strenuous of times, we can find many things to be grateful for. Use Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal to stay focused on the small blessings of your day to day life. Each page includes a thought-provoking question or prompts to ensure reflection on all of the positive aspects of your life.
Additionally, this journal has fifteen coloring pages sprinkled throughout it, focusing on appreciating everyday objects in our lives. Use this journal to stay focused on the small blessings. You will foster an attitude of gratitude, become more optimistic, and bring out your happiest self.